April Mid Month Meeting 09/04/20

20 05 2020

ZoomLogo Once again we brought our social and project meeting online via Zoom kindly supplied by John Kennedy of NovaLUG

March End of Month Meeting 26/03/20

20 05 2020

ZoomLogo Due to lockdown we were forced to run our meetings online via Zoom. It’ took the familiar social and discussion piece format of the Mid month  meetings but on Zoom  kindly organised by John Kennedy of NovaLUG

March Midmonth Meeting 12/03/20

10 03 2020

bull-horn-300x300Usual for the Midmonth the main focus are members  existing projects and social. Bring what you are doing lets see what you are doing . We are also trying to get some member input with regards to a talk on Linux/Tasmoto or some such.. What do  you want to see, have some specific questions then by all means ask them of Lee on the night failing that maybe we can use your questions and ideas for a talk at the end of March/ What do you want to see more off ..Lets see you there at the Arleston Inn 7pm  ideas at the ready!


February End of Month 27/02/20

25 02 2020

TuxAgain the end of month Meetup is with us this Thursday  starting @ 7pm at the usual venue The Cock Hotel Wellington. This month we will be having a run through of FOSDEM the  hows and wherefores and the new projects we saw been demoed through  out the show. Projects show and tell are always popular so we hope that you the members will bring something along that you are currently working on or may require help with. Hope to see you there …..

February Mid Month Meeting 13/02/20

11 02 2020

bull-horn-300x300Not quite Valentines so no excuses and fortunately no massacres either!! 😉

As usual the meeting starts on This Thursday 7pm at The Arleston Inn, With it’s Project and Social focus. Bring your projects, ideas, problems to get solved over a good chat as well as beer and Grub to your choice. I’m always amazed at how much gets done at these meetups keep it up bring more toys.. See you all there”

January End of Month 30/01/20

26 01 2020

TuxBusy month with FOSDEM starting the end of the week we have 3/4 members going by various methods (plane/train and Sofa) which is easiest, which would suit you best. Richard Wilkinson as kindly offered to give us a talk at short notice on his journey from the predominantly windows programing world to that of Linux and the Raspberry PI, along with some of his projects. In addition we will be doing our regular project roundup from attendees …What have you been doing shout up tell the rest of the group …. see you there on Thursday at the usual place (Cock Hotel Wellington) and usual time (7pm)!

Cloud Native + Kubernetes Manchester

18 01 2020

cnmanI was fortunate to have the time to attend the January event of this regular meetup based on Kubernetes and its “ecosphere” I was amazed to see how much goes on much like show with in the DevOps arena dozens of opensource projects supporting aspects of day to day Kubernetes useage. January’s meetup talks were on The Federation of disparate Kubernetes clusters and Authentication proxies. The event held in central Manchester was attended by over 130 people, refreshments were provided to finish off a great event . Interested ?… take a look at Feb’s Meetup!!

January Midmonth Meeting 09/01/20

6 01 2020

bull-horn-300x300First meeting of the year and we are already busy, several are going to FOSDEM in Brussels at the end of the month. We have a new payload and a 3rd launch of the Balloon HW and a trip  to Staffordshire Lug. As usual a social with Individuals’ project bias, have a project want help bring it along. 7pm start at the Arleston Inn as usual food and chin wag… see you there!

Christmas Party Curries Favour !

6 01 2020

XmasPartyThanks for all those who made it to our annual Christmas Party. Once again it was held at theTaj Mahal Wellington which same as last year offered us an excellent meal with friendly service. The dozen of us who managed to get to the do had an equally excellent time both in terms of the food and the educated banter. I hope that we shall have the same or even better next(this) year!

Discounted Machine Vision/Deep Learning books and courses

2 12 2019

practical_python_and_opencv_cover_green_4th_edIf you found the ideas of Deep Learning and Machine vision interesting you may want to try out this link with discounts on various books and courses. They are very informative and I personally have found them to be an effective way to learn these new technologies.