Meeting report February 2009

1 03 2009

A practical evening – albeit low on attendance. Dave H (moi, the author of this)  brought along his ham radio kit and  Acer Aspire One running Ubuntu UNR – and demonstrated it running a few different applications (QSSTV, GMFSK, FLDIGI and MixW running in wine) – the radio had a simple aerial but still managed to receive ham radio stations from all over Europeon 7MHz – not surprising at 8pm but with al all the electrical noise about it was a bit of surprise.  I was unable to transmit back due to the awfulness of the aerial (high SWR) , but it was demo only.

Dave operating the Acer Ubuntu netbook with his FT817 radio at lug meeting

Dave operating the Acer Ubuntu netbook with his FT817 radio at lug meeting

John A brought along a selection of access points that can be hacked for various uses and are cheap to buy.  He also had his laptop with some videos of vblogs listed below – YMMV but worth a nose through them.
